New Karastan Carpets

When it comes to weaving and dyeing, Karastan knows what they’re doing.

The company has over 75 years of experience, first in the rug industry and later in the carpet industry. They have been recognized as leaders in the manufacturing of fine area and surface rugs since their company’s inception. It is only logical that Karastan carpets would continue the same strict standards of Karastan rugs.


Karastan Carpeting: Beautiful And Functional

Karastan knows that carpeting is an investment in your home that must continue to look beautiful long after it is installed. Carpeting can’t simply be removed, cleaned, and then put back down; it needs to be easy to maintain while still visually appealing and nice underfoot. That’s why Karastan carpets are inspected and re-inspected every step of the way by trained technicians looking to spot even the smallest error. Perhaps another manufacturer wouldn’t be bothered to find one small loose thread. But to you, the customer, that loose thread will soon mean an unsightly spot on your carpet.

Karastan carpeting offers a variety of textures, colors, and designs to add a lasting design statement to any room. Karastan uses the finest imported wools from New Zealand in the making of all its carpets, but will only purchase wool that has been harvested in a sustainable manner. The company is committed to researching and employing new technologies for greater efficiency and less environmental impact.

Do Shaw Carpets Compete?

The Karastan brand carpets offer an incredible selection at an incredible value. But do they outclass the popular Shaw carpets? Karastan is designed with livability in mind by a company that started making rugs before carpet was even commercially available. Every inch of Karastan carpeting is made by an artisan who is trained to create the best quality. Shaw carpets are no doubt good, but it’s difficult to match that kind of quality.

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